Want To Go Blind? Then Try This
Recent reports of young people applying vodka to the eye in a misguided attempt to get drunk have eye doctors worried. The practice is very damaging to the eye and can even result in blindness. Putting vodka in your eye will burn the surface and likely cause permanent damage.In case you don't know, vodka eyeballing involves pouring vodka into the eye or holding a vodka-filled bottle or shot glass directly on the eye. It's very painful.Why does vodka eyeballing hurt so much? It's because vodka typically contains 35 to 50 percent alcohol (sometimes more), which can burn the cornea. This leads to infection and/or corneal ulcers, scarring, vision loss and even blindness. Another side effect is constant watering of the eyes, which may last indefinitely. According to a statement issued by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, "Eyeballers do not even get a 'quick high' as claimed, because the volume of vodka absorbed by the conjunctiva and cornea is too small to have that effect."